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Board Summary Report

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The Board Summary Report provides a year to date, this year, last year, prior year view of historic data, comparing the most recent reporting month with the same month 12 months prior, and the current year to date with the performance in the same period last year. This is a concise summary of performance that condenses the full P&L and Balance Sheet review into four pages.

Typical Use: The Board Summary Report supports a rapid management overview, focussing attention on the areas where action is required. This helps you and your client quickly and efficiently track progress, discuss, and agree responsibility for taking action to improve KPI performance where appropriate. If your client is in a regular cycle of monthly and quarterly management meetings, the Board Summary Report is ideally suited for the monthly meetings.

Efficiency and Focus: The Board Summary Report can be thought of as the ‘Score Board’ used by your client and their management team to quickly track progress. Using a simple traffic light system to focus management attention and time where it is most needed.

Picture of the front cover of the Board Summary Report, a summary report detailing the performance in the most recent month and year to date to show Key Performance Indicator movement in the period with a summary of Profit & Loss and Cash Flow performance.

Example Report

An example of the ‘Board Summary Report’ can be accessed on the link below.

Report Overview


Financial Scorecard

P&L Performance

Balance Sheet Performance

Table of Contents